The sweet smell of Obfleshion

A scent for Halloween - Eat, Spray, Live

Harry Judd's Obfleshion - a zombie perfume

Harry Judd's Obfleshion - a zombie perfume

We now have a deterrent (or should that be repellent) in case of a zombie apocalypse!  Welcome to a new unisex fragrance mimicking the stench of decaying flesh,  "Obfleshion - Eau de Walker".

Obfleshion - Eau de Walker - the sweet smell of zombie

Obfleshion - Eau de Walker - the sweet smell of zombie

If you are a fan of the 'Walking Dead', you will know that series 6 launched this week.  In collaboration with NOW TV,  I created a zombie fragrance for their spoof perfume advert to promote the series, starring Harry Judd of McFly.

Witness the effects of Obfleshion, one spray = no more zombie fodder, it's scented camouflage!

You can also find some press coverage in the links below, you might also be in with a chance of winning one of the limited edition fragrances - if you are brave enough!


Among the many materials taken from my 'crypt of scent', I have used indole-rich flowers such as Tuberose absolute, which I find a powerfully 'fleshy' note, it can also give a touch of 'over-ripeness', which really works with this zombie concept, to accentuate the damp, decay note I included the amazing lipstick-scarlet coloured Ruby Gromwell, a truly earthy, beetroot-y, vegetal note with a soupçon of Mushroom absolute and Geosmin, a wonderful rain on damp soil, freshly-dug potato aroma.

Here is a small pic of the 'zombie juice' being drawn up a pipette for decanting, a rather apt colour methinks!

Obfleshion - preparing the scarlet zombie 'juice'

Obfleshion - preparing the scarlet zombie 'juice'

If you are in need of a particular aroma to promote your event or product, tailored to your desires, be they fragrant or fetid,  do get in touch here.

I love a challenge!