Banish the post bank holiday (pastel) blues with some enervating essential oils and making the most of a small blackberry haul …
They say “what is for you shall not pass by you”.
So if you missed out on bingeing all of the amazing March Aroma Summit presentations and talks, why not take this second chance to expand your Aromatherapy and Plant knowledge with a lifetime access pass…. go on, you know you want to.
Happy Valentine’s day one and all!
It’s a time to celebrate love and affection for self and all the other important people in your life. I made some simple scented treats for two lovely friends ….
Image credit: Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
The Garden of Emotions : create an aromatherapy rollerball inspired by the calming effects of nature and green spaces
After my sojourn in Northumberland at Dilston Physic Garden, I have two Natural Perfumery classes in London this Summer. Come and join me!
This time next week I shall be ensconced in the enervating environs of Northumberland, teaching a Natural Perfumery workshop at...
Doesn't this picture just make you want to pull on your boots and KICK up those leaves with unabashed glee!!