Strawberries and Mint - is it Pimm's o'clock?

Why not be inspired by a classic summer Cocktail to create your own botanical beauty recipe?

Summer is breathing its last sigh, as are we.  Have you noticed the evenings draw in earlier (and earlier!)? Here's a picture of the nightsky from my flat, around 8pm.

August night sky - London

August night sky - London

Aren't the colours AWESOME, my camera phone does not do it justice!

If you have indulged in the past months of glorious sunshine and have the tan/lobster skin* to prove it (*delete as appropriate), why not celebrate said exposure and put any remaining Pimm's ingredients to fragrant, beautifying use.

I wrote some seasonal beauty recipes for City Planter magazine on how to use strawberries and mint for a simple, 'whizz-up-in-the-kitchen' face/body mask and scrub - cucumber slices for your eyes are optional.  Check out it here.

Mashed up strawberries blended with Aloe vera gel are also super soothing applied to sunburn or over-exposed skin.

The sweet smell of summer in a punnet (picture:

The sweet smell of summer in a punnet (picture:

Fingers crossed for an Indian Summer!