"If the eyes are the windows to our Soul, then the nose is the doorway to our Imagination"The Perfume Mistress
Welcome to The Perfume Mistress - a blog for lovers and discoverers of natural, artisan Perfumery and all things fragrant and aromatic.
My background is in Clinical Aromatherapy and Botanical Skincare, but I have been studying, working with and exploring natural perfumery and exotic, natural raw materials for the past 5 years. A solitary pursuit, like an alchemist, I spend time sourcing materials, smelling and thinking up new descriptions and 'smell language' to describe their ephemeral personalities. If and when inspiration strikes I heat, macerate, blend and concoct select materials and record my efforts - pursuing that elusive 'eureka' moment of developing a wondrous, perfect fragrance.... It's a new moon in Virgo today - a supposedly auspicious time to start new projects, set new goals and start afresh in your chosen endeavour. So here I am, a blogging 'newbie' with a passion for smell, aroma and how this 'forgotten sense' maintains an inexplicable and unique power over our emotions and mind and a desire to escape my fragrant, solitary confinement to share my findings on all things molecularly odiferous, recipes, news, ideas, perfume inspirations and experiments.
Welcome to my fragrant world! Enjoy. I am off to develop the next phase in a 'tobacco' inspired perfume... more about that later.