A Motley Brew .. Tetley Tea Perfume

Tetley the 'tea folk' have launched a Tea inspired fragrance (Tetley-Le Brew) which has many people bemused, .. who wants to smell like a cuppa char!?  Promoted by the fair Tina, the female...

The Fragrance Families

So, we have dipped a toe in perfume structure (which is by no means set in stone), but how do we know what kind of fragrance/aroma we like, how do we describe our fragrance choice - what language...

A Symphony of Scent - part III

Otherwise know as 'bottom' or more romantically (and more preferable!), 'soul' notes, these are heavier and more tenacious. Base notes are deep, warm and have a powerful influence on the overall...

Attars and Choyas

I am the taste in the water, the light of the sun and the moon, the sound in the ether, the ability in the man, the fragrance of the earth, the life of all that lives, the strength of the strong, the...