Be you maiden, mother or crone, essential oils offer gentle yet powerful support on the triple goddess path. In this bitesized introductory class, I will share with you how to journey with essential oils; using them for quiet enquiry and understand them on an energetic and spiritual level for personal transformation, inspiration and healing
We shall explore, smell and using creative prompts, deep dive into some key essential oils, gaining insight into their subtle applications and how we can use them to support a personal practice. At the end, you will each create an intuitive rollerball blend for individual use, be that for ritual, journeying/visualisation work or meditation and take home a free oil sample and workshop notes.
Cost £ 45.00
* includes notes, your personalised rollerball blend and an essential oil sample to take away.
Please book your place via the venue Moon Women’s Health
Photo credit: Ruslan-Zh on Unsplash